Internal Family Systems Therapy

IFS can help if you…

Struggle with self-criticism + low self-esteem

Are a perfectionist or struggle with work/life balance 

Have difficulties with relationships

Experience anxiety or overthink things 

Have experienced trauma (childhood or adult)

Struggle to make decisions

And more!

A holistic approach to understanding the human experience that assumes:

  • We all have multiple parts of ourselves

  • Some parts hold our pain while others protect us from pain

  • All parts have good intentions

  • We all have an infinite source of wise energy called the Self 

  • Parts can become more extreme when we’ve experienced stress or trauma

  • The way we relate to our parts affects our mental, physical, and spiritual health

What is Internal Family Systems (IFS)?

“If you think of these [parts] as ephemeral thoughts and emotions, then it makes sense to separate and just witness them. If instead, you think of them as suffering inner beings, it makes no sense to just watch them from remove, because that’s not compassion, compassion means to go to suffering entities and embrace them and love them and help them heal. ⁣”

-Richard Schwartz, Internal Family Systems Founder

IFS Therapy Looks Like...

Connection to Self-energy 


Exploration of thoughts, emotions, and body sensations

Non-judgment and curiosity 

Exploration of fears and limiting beliefs

The Goals of IFS  Therapy Are... 

Harmonize the internal system

Strengthen and empower Self 

Maintain Self-leadership

All Parts Release Pain and Burdens

My Approach to Internal Family Systems Therapy

 I believe that as humans, we are born with innate wisdom, courage, curiosity, and compassion. 

As we move through tough life experiences, we can become fragmented, creating parts of self.

These parts can take on extreme roles in an attempt to keep us safe, leading to distress, destructive patterns, self-judgment, and ultimately feeling stuck. 

I believe that by turning inwards and observing our mind and bodies, we can repair these relationships between these parts of ourselves.

By invoking our innate qualities of compassion and curiosity, we can restore harmony within our internal world.

As these relationships mend, we again begin to feel whole, empowered, and frankly unstoppable.